【WATER LINE SERIES】Over 350 lineup and the intricate structure is the charm of WATER LINE SERIES!

Hello everyone. I'm Boss from Plastic Model Republic.
Hello everyone~! I'm Saori from Plastic Model Republic!
Saori, have you ever seen a ship?
A ship? ......Hmm, I've been on and seen decorated tourist ships, but I've only seen actual working ships from afar.
Yes, they're surprisingly common and familiar to us, but many people don't have the opportunity to see them up close. I think that's what ships are. So! I'd like to introduce a series of Plastic Models of such ships, including cool ones like battleships and submarines!

【WATER LINE SERIES】Ship Plastic Models with great power, depicted in 1/700 scale! Over 350 lineup and intricate craftsmanship are the attractions of the WATER LINE SERIES!

The WATER LINE SERIES is a Plastic Model series that models only the part of the ship above the waterline (the line where the hull and the water surface intersect) in a 1/700 scale.
As the series name WATER LINE SERIES suggests, it omits the part of the ship below the waterline, and its distinctive charm is that it allows you to easily assemble the appearance of a ship floating on the water surface as a Plastic Model. The series started in 1971 and is now recognized as a Plastic Model Series that allows you to assemble various famous warships, submarines, aircraft carriers, and destroyers from around the world.
Wow! It's huge!!! Yet so detailed!!

●1/700 Scale Model Kit - WATER LINE SERIES / Kongou

Yes, the charm of the WATER LINE SERIES is that there's nothing below the ship, so it's stable and easy to display. They're big (about 40cm is the default depending on the ship). Because of their size, the reproduced force is overwhelming, so I recommend it to people who want to assemble a large ship Plastic Model.
It seems difficult to assemble given the level of detail.
That's definitely the case. But what awaits beyond that is a presence that other Plastic Models can't emulate......! Glue is basically unnecessary, but if you use it, you can finish it more stylishly, so don't forget to prepare nippers and glue when assembling!
That's all for this time! See you in the next article! Bye for now!

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