【SOUSAI SHOJO TEIEN】Serious and glasses suit her so well! Cute girl! The charm of main character Koyomi Takanashi in the popular Plastic Model Series is here!

Hello everyone~! Today, continuing from last time, I would like to introduce the characters of the popular Plastic Model Series SOUSAI SHOJO TEIEN. I'm the Boss of SOUSAI SHOJO TEIEN.
Please don't become one of the SOUSAI SHOJO TEIEN series on your own. You are the Boss of Plastic Model Republic, and I am Saori of Plastic Model Republic.
I accidentally made a mistake. So this time, I want to introduce Koyomi Takanashi-Chan, one of the main characters of SOUSAI SHOJO TEIEN!

【SOUSAI SHOJO TEIEN】Serious and glasses suit her so well! Cute girl! The charm of main character Koyomi Takanashi in the popular Plastic Model Series is here!

Who is Koyomi Takanashi?

Koyomi Takanashi is one of the main characters in SOUSAI SHOJO TEIEN.
She's a high school freshman girl characterized by her short hair with glasses. Her personality is serious and meticulous, and she's seen as a model honor student who is even relied on by teachers.
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She has a strong sense of justice but is a bit stubborn, and actually gets nervous in crowded or important situations. Her hobby is reading, and she's slowly writing a novel. She is incredibly clumsy, and her drawings are known to be “original.”
Incidentally, she is in the same grade as the previously introduced Madoka Yuki, but they attend different high schools. Since they go to different schools, they wear different uniforms, a detail that can be enjoyed by Plastic Model fans, even within the same series.
Ah~! It's a fine detail that characters from the same work wear different uniforms because they go to different schools! Since characters from the same work often go to the same school, it's rewarding to complete a series where the uniforms are different!
Yes, yes. That's what's been thoughtfully crafted. By the way, this Koyomi-Chan also has a rich color variation, and her impression changes dramatically with each Plastic Model.
SOUSAI SHOJO TEIEN / Koyomi Takanashi Dreaming Style True Sapphire
SOUSAI SHOJO TEIEN / Koyomi Takanashi Swimsuit Ver
The impression changes quite a bit with hair color and whether or not she's wearing glasses!
Yes, since her uniform is different from the others, please check out Koyomi Takanashi-Chan's Plastic Model, one of the main characters of SOUSAI SHOJO TEIEN!
Koyomi Takanashi

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