【A.T.K.GIRL】A BISHOJO Plastic Model Series with mythological motifs from China! The charm of A.T.K.GIRL is here!

Hello everyone! I'm the Boss from Plastic Model Republic.
Hello everyone! I'm Saori from Plastic Model Republic!
Today, I want to introduce a BISHOJO Plastic Model Series that is released overseas and is also causing a buzz in Japan!
I think quite a number of BISHOJO Plastic Model Series have been released in Japan as well, but it's pretty amazing that it's attracting attention among them!

【A.T.K.GIRL】 A BISHOJO Plastic Model Series with mythological motifs, created from China! The charm of A.T.K.GIRL is right here!

What is A.T.K.GIRL?

A.T.K.GIRL is an original Plastic Model Series developed by the Chinese plastic model manufacturer, “Gomodo EASTERN MODEL”
The girls released as A.T.K.GIRL often take the gods appearing in world myths as motifs. You can enjoy two kinds of visuals: flashy armed parts with options and removable body suits.
Not only does the girl who forms the main body have a wide range of motion, but the armed parts that come with the options also have a wide range of motion, making it possible to do free posing and recreate scenes.
It's pretty amazing that the optional parts are dynamic yet have a wide range of motion!
The armed options are about the same size as the girl, so if they're movable, it would be quite impressive, wouldn't it?

Since the options also have a wide range of motion, the runner is a bit complicated and there are a lot of parts! But the finished product will be quite dynamic, so let's aim to complete it!

With a bit more runners and more parts, it seems a bit more complicated than the usual BISHOJO Plastic Model.
But waiting ahead is the dynamic and brave figure of a girl, so please do your best! Everyone, please take a look at the lineup of A.T.K.GIRL and check out which girl catches your interest!

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