【30 MINUTES MISSIONS】 The Third Acerby Series! Featuring Mature Long Hair-like Parts! The Latest Acerby Series, Acerby TYPE-C, is Here!

Hello everyone. Today, I'd like to introduce the third installment and the latest creation of the Acerby series! I'm Boss from Plastic Model Republic.
Hello everyone~! I'm Saori from Plastic Model Republic. We've introduced various types of the Acerby series so far, but what type do we have this time? Let's check it out~!

【30 MINUTES MISSIONS】 The Third Acerby Series! Featuring Mature Long Hair-like Parts! The Latest Acerby Series, Acerby TYPE-C, is Here!

Featuring a dark, atmospheric color scheme! The latest character, Acerby TYPE-C, is notable for its long hair and translucent blue eyes!

The hairstyle, or should I say the head parts, are different from Acerby TYPE-A and B, and it's cute! The coloring resembles long hair, and it seems the parts attached to the head can be lowered to cover the eyes.
Yes! It has a wide range of motion and comes with customization parts. Just by buying this Acerby TYPE-C, you get armor parts and weapon parts, so you can enjoy it fully!
There have been various types of Acerby series characters, right? It seems there are three characters released so far, but is there any plan for new releases?
Yes! Actually, TYPE-D and TYPE-E are scheduled to be released in the latter half of 2024. TYPE-D and TYPE-E have a more mechanical appearance compared to TYPE-A to C! We'll inform you when they become available for reservation or purchase, so be sure to check it out!
Acerby TYPE-C

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